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时间:2015-08-24 来源: 点击量:93

Since the take-over of the company by Bernd Munstermann in 1978 – now in its fifth generation -, Mnstermann has become one of the leading companies in the field of plant engineering world-wide. It is especially in the last decade with the growth of globalisation that the company has developed into an efficient and globally-operating industrial business. The key functions of Münstermann lie in the design, development and production of specialist facilities for a wide array of applications and industrial segments. From the start the emphasis of production has been on drying plants, such as for example, drying conveyors, continuous-flow driers and chamber drying ovens. Having taken over the production of material-handling and de-dusting systems, it has been possible for Münstermann to position itself as a complete supplier of drying and heat-treatment units including their ancillary conveyor and filter technologies currently available in the market. In order to offer and provide the integrated solutions to individual problems, Münstermann falls back on the most modern engineering and production methods as well as the traditional manual production processes

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